off track

the worst part of being smug about spending a sunday night working on your calendar and marking up your planner and finding a way to make absolutely everything in your life fit just so is when it goes off track.

i’m used to falling off track by wednesday (pretty sure i’ve never made it all the way to thursday crossing off all my to-dos, honestly) but sometimes you go to sleep and some random shit at 2:36 a.m. won’t even let your monday morning blast off on all cylinders.

from there, it’s a shitshow. things cram together. things get dropped and suddenly you feel like such a lost cause, you toss the protein shake you planned to drink at exactly 9:31 a.m. and you get some damn avocado toast and instead of working on those grant proposals, you sit at your desk and lament the lost calendar tasks that never had a chance, knowing recovery is a futile waste of time and instead of being this productive machine, you’re a weepy, carb-filled excuse maker for another week.

maybe next sunday, friends.


dollar rib night


it’ll come to me